At Dysh, our staff and partners share a strong commitment to preventing child abuse and ensuring the protection of children. We recognise that child abuse and exploitation occur in all countries and societies worldwide, and we are dedicated to creating a safe and responsible online environment.

Dysh is an online app designed with built-in access restrictions, including Google verification as a requirement for sign-up. As a result, no child under the age of 13 is permitted to join the platform. Additionally, to foster a safe community, our platform discourages one-on-one interactions and prioritises group-based engagement.

This policy outlines our core values, principles, and commitments to child protection, as well as the steps we take to uphold these standards and ensure a secure environment for all users.


Our values, principles and beliefs

  • All child abuse involves the abuse of children’s rights.
  • All children have equal rights to protection from abuse and exploitation.
  • The situation of all children must be improved through promotion of their rights as set out in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. This includes the right to freedom from abuse and exploitation.
  • Child abuse is never acceptable
  • We have a commitment to protecting children with/ for whom we work
  • When we work through partners, they have a responsibility to meet minimum standards of protection for children in their programmes.
  • Content in the App and website is vetted and any violator will be removed immediately


What we will do:

We will meet our commitment to protect children from abuse through the following means:

Awareness: we will ensure that all staff and others are aware of the problem of child abuse and the risks to children.

Prevention: we will ensure, through awareness and good practice, that staff and others minimise the risks to children.

Reporting: we will ensure that staff and others are clear what steps to take where concerns arise regarding the safety of children.

Responding: we will ensure that action is taken to support and protect children where concerns arise regarding possible abuse.

In order that the above standards of reporting and responding are met, Staff and Partners of Dysh will also ensure that they:

  • take seriously any concerns raised
  • take positive steps to ensure the protection of children who are the subject of any concerns
  • support children, staff or other adults who raise concerns or who are the subject of concerns • act appropriately and effectively in instigating or co-operating with any subsequent process of investigation
  • are guided through the child protection process by the principle of ‘best interests of the child’
  • listen to and takes seriously the views and wishes of children
  • work in partnership with parents/carers and/or other professionals to ensure the protection of children. Our commitment to protect children
  • All Dysh staff and partners (locally appointed and internationally appointed) will sign up to and abide by the attached code of conduct
  • All partners will sign and abide by the code of conduct
  • All staff and volunteers will have access to a copy of the child protection policy
  • Recruitment procedures will include checks on suitability for working with young people
  • Induction will include briefing on child protection issues
  • Every workplace will display contact details for reporting possible child abuse and every member of staff will have contact details for reporting.
  • Systems will be established by every Member to investigate possible abuse once reported and to deal with it
  • Training, learning opportunities and support will be provided by Save the Children members as appropriate to ensure commitments are met. How we will ensure our commitments above are met

All Dysh staff must sign up to and abide by this Code of Conduct. Staff and others must never:

  • hit or otherwise physically assault or physically abuse children
  • develop physical/sexual relationships with children
  • develop relationships with children which could in any way be deemed exploitative or abusive
  • act in ways that may be abusive or may place a child at risk of abuse.
  • use language, make suggestions or offer advice which is inappropriate, offensive or abusive • behave physically in a manner which is inappropriate or sexually provocative
  • have a child/children with whom they are working to stay overnight at their home unsupervised
  • sleep in the same room or bed as a child with whom they are working
  • do things for children of a personal nature that they can do for themselves
  • condone, or participate in, behaviour of children which is illegal, unsafe or abusive
  • act in ways intended to shame, humiliate, belittle or degrade children, or otherwise perpetrate any form of emotional abuse
  • discriminate against, show differential treatment, or favour particular children to the exclusion of others.
  • This is not an exhaustive or exclusive list. The principle is that staff should avoid actions or behaviour which may constitute poor practice or potentially abusive behaviour. It is important for all staff and others in contact with children to:
  • be aware of situations which may present risks and manage these
  • plan and organise the work and the workplace so as to minimise risks
  • as far as possible, be visible in working with children
  • ensure that a culture of openness exists to enable any issues or concerns to be raised and discussed
  • ensure that a sense of accountability exists between staff so that poor practice or potentially abusive behaviour does not go unchallenged
  • talk to children about their contact with staff or others and encourage them to raise any concerns
  • empower children – discuss with them their rights, what is acceptable and unacceptable, and what they can do if there is a problem. In general it is inappropriate to:
  • spend excessive time alone with children away from others
  • take children to your home, especially where they will be alone with you. 

Code of conduct.

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